Welcome friends and thank you for being here!

This is a dream come true! It's incredibly exciting to have this product in my hands and on my feet, and even more thrilling to see them on yours!

My name is Kim, and the idea of Stynkeez sandals came to me over ten years ago. As a mother of three, living on the seacoast of New Hampshire, I have been a stay-at-home mom since my children were born.

Gratitude goes out to all the employers who passed on hiring me with my dusty, dated stay-at-home mom resume. Attempts to highlight my past success in sales with my Blackberry fell flat. Who knew that not getting hired again would become my greatest inspiration?

Following my gut, heart and soul… Stynkeez was born.

The journey was far from an easy, paved road. Even in 2024, women often face disrespect as entrepreneurs.

The concept of Stynkeez—its product, name, and idea—came after discarding one too many flip flops in the garage. Always, I imagined walking into my beachside home to the scent of fresh salt air, not sour, nasty flip flops. Then the idea struck: what if they all smelled like the days of summer? Thoughts first drifted to sunscreen, which led to coconuts.

Countless times, people said, “Your idea is great, but people don’t really start products,” or, “Your idea will never work!” Judgment as a woman seeking a loan or advice in getting my product off the ground was a common experience, too many times to count.

It's pretty safe to say that everyone has their share of drama in this world. Life can be painful and scary at times, but it can also be amazing and wonderful.

My grandma, born and raised in Brooklyn, always said in her thick NY accent, “Kimberly, life is always going to have pain it’s a part of life, what you do is you enjoy the moments in between, could be decades, could be days but you have to really live your life!”

This advice sticks with me. Skiing, snow, and the mountains are wonderful, but the beach, salt water, and reggae are my true passions. Days in flip flops, beach air, no schedules, surrounded by family and friends chilling out—these are the days I live for.

Let Stynkeez carry you away to those carefree moments. Days of relaxing and soaking in the best life has to offer. Trust me, I’ve had my share of stressful, horrible days, but as my Brooklyn grandma advised, I’ve learned to thoroughly enjoy the good ones.

I really have to thank my husband for believing in me and supporting me with this product. He never doubted me and is my biggest fan!

Please note, Stynkeez will be donating a portion of all sales to cancer care in the Boston area. Both my husband and daughter have received cancer treatment in Boston and are doing very well. Men, please check your PSA regularly. Parents, keep your kids in sports, and if they ever can’t run, figure out why!

A huge shout-out to all the doctors, nurses, and medical professionals. You are gifts to this world. Thank you.

Enjoy Stynkeez! Let me know where they take you! Hopefully on many adventures, beaches or just napping on a hammock. Enjoy the good days and in all seriousness thank you for choosing Stynkeez❤️

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